Well, it's my (Brooke's) last big commitment before we leave for Austria ---VBS. I am the songleader-who-cannot-sing, recruited more for my ability to handle large groups of children hyped on sugar than that of sounding beautiful.
We didn't count on my mom not consulting us for a reasonable week to let her appendix rupture, go septic, lose her kidney function, hit the ICU and hook up to dialysis.
The mom who fed me missionary books with my lunch and never missed a gymnastics meet.
The grandma who will talk for hours on the phone and always has snacks.
We are so thankful that her kidneys are now working and we hope to see her released from the hospital in the next couple of days. After all, when you go septic during VBS, you end up with a hundred children praying for you and when children pray ...
Thank you, VBS'ers! And thank you to all who have prayed and those who will continue to pray for her complete healing and all the financial issues that come with the package.